Lisa’s Law endeavours to provide the best legal service to our clients. We regard client’s satisfaction as the cornerstone of our success. We will take every step to ensure that we provide quality service with competitive prices.
However, if, for any reason, you are not satisfied with any aspect of our service, we are very willing to listen to you. We will try to resolve any issue you have regarding our service in a prompt and professional way. If you are still not satisfied with the way we handle your complaints, you can take them further to the legal ombudsman.
Neither we nor the legal ombudsman will charge you for making your complaints.
Making a complaint will not affect how we handle your case.
In order to have your complaints resolved promptly and satisfactorily, please make your complaints by following the steps below:
• To discuss first with your own caseworker about your dissatisfaction about our service or the way your case has been handled. Your caseworker has day-to-day conduct of your case. He/she is very familiar with your case and should be able to resolve most of complaints directly and more promptly. All our staff have been trained to deal with clients’ complaints in a professional way.
• If you are not satisfied with your casework’s handling of your complaints, your caseworker will provide you the contact details for his/her head of department/supervisor. You should put your complaints in writing to the head of the department/supervisor by post to Lisa’s Law, 13 London Road, London, SE1 6JZ or by email. Your complaints will only be received and dealt with by the head of department/supervisor. You should list all your complaints in your letter, so that they can be dealt with together.
• On receiving your complaints, the head of department/supervisor will immediately carry out investigation, which include inspecting your file and enquiring with your caseworker. He/she may even need to contact you if further information is needed.
• The head of department/supervisor will endeavour to reply to your complaints within 14 days after receiving them. If for some reasons he/she is unable to do so, he/she will write to you and explain the reasons that are causing delay and let you know when you will receive our replies.
• All our replies will be in writing. Our replies will tell you whether we agree with your complaints or not and the reasons. They will also contain our proposals to resolve your disagreement if you still have any by this time.
• On receiving our replies, you can write back to us to let us know whether you agree with us and any disagreement you might have in response to our replies.
• The head of department/supervisor will continue to endeavour to reply to your above disagreement (if any) within 14 days and intend to resolve them as best as he/she can.
• However, if through the above efforts, you are still not satisfied with our handling of your complaints, you can take them further to Mr Chuanli Ding or our other designated person, who will start investigating your complaints by asking for a copy of your file and complaint from the head of department/supervisor and our responses to your complaints.
• Mr Chuanli Ding or our other designated person will try to make responses to your complaints or any remaining part of them within 14 days. Such responses will be the final ones within our company.
If there are any circumstances which make it difficult for you to make a complaint in writing, please call the office on 020 7928 0276 and ask for the relevant head of department/supervisor.
What to do if we cannot resolve your complaint
The Legal Ombudsman can help you if we are unable to resolve your complaint ourselves. They will look at your complaint independently and it will not affect how we handle your case.
Before accepting a complaint for investigation, the Legal Ombudsman will check that you have tried to resolve your complaint with us first. If you have, then you must take your complaint to the Legal Ombudsman:
• Within six months of receiving our final response to your complaint
• No more than one year from the date of the cause of complaint; or
• No more than one year from when you should reasonably have known there was cause for complaint.
If you would like more information about the Legal Ombudsman, please contact them.
Visit: https:
Call: 0300 555 0333 between 9.00 to 17.00.
Address: Legal Ombudsman PO Box 6167, Slough, SL1 0EH
What to do if you are unhappy with our conduct
In the highly unlikely event that you need to make a complaint about our conduct, the SRA (Solicitors Regulation Authority) deals with conduct issues rather than the Legal Ombudsman which deals with service issues.
You can raise your concerns by contacting the SRA.
Call: 0370 606 2555
Address: SRA, The Cube, 199 Wharfside Street, Birmingham, B1 1RN