13 London Road,
London, SE1 6JZ
020 7928 0276

Client Online Payment and Refund Policy

Lisa’s Law caters for online payments to be made via our website, making for increased levels of convenience for our clients.

How we protect client information:

Our website operates securely and is certified as safe by the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), a computing protocol that ensures the security of data sent via the internet by using encryption. This means any information entered into our site is protected and cannot be accessed by third parties.

Through the online payment portal, clients will be able to enter their own information. Lisa’s Law Employees will not have to take clients personal bank details over the phone, unless this is what the client prefers. Any client information shall be deleted / destroyed after it is no longer required.

Making a Payment:

You can make online payments using your credit or debit cards. Before making a payment, you should be informed of what you are paying for and the amount due. Your caseworker has the responsibility of informing you of such information prior to asking for a payment to be made.

Refund Policy:

The refund Policy Terms and Conditions are in addition to your rights as set out in the client care letter issued to you at the start of the case.

If you are making a payment online via credit or debit card and request a return of the money, we can offer you a refund minus any associated card processing costs and after taking into account any time costs and disbursements incurred in relation to your matter at that time.

If you need any assistance with a payment you have made, please contact us info@lisaslaw.co.uk for further information.