By Yang Peng


We recently managed to help a client gain a UK Visitor Visa, despite them receiving two previous UK refusals. Keep reading to learn more about why these refusals occurred, and how Lisa’s Law can help you with similar applications.


Introduction to the case


Our client instructed us to apply for a visitor visa to visit her daughter in the UK. However, she had previously faced three refusals: two for UK visitor visas and one for an Irish visa. The two UK visitor visa refusals were mainly due to insufficient evidence and explanations provided, particularly regarding her financial circumstances and her daughter’s immigration status in the UK. On the other hand, the Irish authorities advised her to apply directly to the UKVI since her aim was to visit her daughter in the UK.


Additionally, the client’s sponsor for this trip, her daughter, had refugee settlement. The client missed her daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren in the UK deeply.  However, the previous refusals and her daughter’s immigration status have caused her worries regarding the current application.


We were subsequently instructed by the client to submit a visitor visa application.


Normal requirements for a UK Visitor Visa case


Usually, to be successful in a visit visa application, you must explain the reasons that you are coming to the UK to visit, provide financial evidence that you can support yourself in the UK, and also evidence that you will return to your home country following the visit.


In this case, the client had a history of multiple visa refusals and was questioned about her financial situation, which undoubtedly added to the complexity of the application.


Additionally, the client’s daughter, who is sponsoring her visit, has a previous asylum record, which means she claimed international protection in the UK. This may sometimes cause the Home Office to suspect that the client might have similar intentions as daughter. That is to say, apply for asylum after arriving in the UK.


What we did for the client


On the basis of submitting the necessary materials, we focused on explaining the reasons for the client’s first three visa refusals and the immigration status of her daughter, emphasizing these factors to prove that the client is not a high-risk applicant.


We chose not to simply ignore the refusals, but instead to deal with each of them.


We clarified that the previous rejections occurred due to the client’s previous applications being submitted by unprofessional agencies and friends, resulting in the lack of verification of the applicant’s information. In addition, we also provided the client’s previous travel history abroad and her current job description to demonstrate that the client has no intention of overstaying and had plenty reasons to return home.


Since the officers previously questioned the client’s financial status and source of income, we needed to address this. The Home Office are not always familiar with payment schemes in China and transfer methods such as use of the online platform, WeChat. Through clear explanations, we have successfully established that her funds are obtained legally.


Regarding the sponsor’s previous asylum records, we clarified that the daughter arrived in the UK legally as a student and has never claimed asylum in her own right. The only reason for the record was because she was included in her partner’s asylum application. We made it very clear that the daughter’s intention was never to travel to the UK and seek international protection.


Our solicitors also highlighted that due to the daughter’s refugee indefinite leave to remain status, her entry into China as a visitor would raise questions and could potentially lead to detention. This situation creates a barrier that hinders the mother and daughter from reuniting. It would be extremely harsh and inconsiderate to stop the client from visiting her daughter if the application was refused.


Furthermore, we explained that the Applicant’s daughter’s financial circumstances to prove the funds from the sponsor are sufficient. Additionally, we emphasized the strong connections the applicant has in China, as her husband and unmarried son still reside there. This evidence supports the claim that there is no indication the client would not return to China at the conclusion of her UK visit.


The conclusion / grant


We were elated to have recently received the decision confirming that the client’s visitor visa application has been granted. Now the client finally has her 2-year visitor visa and will soon be flying to visit her daughter and her grandchildren in the UK! We wish her and her family all the best for the future.


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