Splitting assets in a divorce – How does it work?

Divorce is always going to be a difficult thing to deal with, and there is no definitive guidebook that everyone can turn to when figuring it out. Each divorce, like each marriage, is unique. A couple will spend so much time building a life together, it is only natural that they will also accumulate wealth, […]

Living together vs Marriage – legal rights breakdown.

In the eyes of many people around the world, marriage does not have to be synonymous with love. Millions of people live together, have children and do all the things married couples do without ever tying the knot. Of course, on the reverse side there are people who see marriage as a very important part […]

New divorce laws mean couples can split a lot more amicably.

Divorce is never easy and can have negative effects on all those involved, from the couple in question to their children, extended family and even friends. What makes divorce even worse is when the process is dragged out over a long period of time, where the pain is made worse by seemingly endless blame games […]