More Guidance on the EU Settlement Scheme – Evidence, Information, and Qualifying Periods.

The EU Settlement Scheme is of great importance for a huge amount of people now that the effects of Brexit are right around the corner. For a full rundown of the scheme you can read our article: A Clearance of the Past? – How Can You Benefit From the EU Settlement Scheme?   In this […]

Rental guidance updated! What do you need to know?

New guidance has been released for people renting property from a landlord, which attempts to give clarity to such tenants. This guidance must be provided to tenants who are in a shorthold tenancy which started any time after 1 October 2015.   The information is helpful to both the renter and the landlord, so it […]

When it comes to whistleblowing, what is the part of protected disclosure agreements?

First off, what is a whistleblower?   A whistleblower is a term used to describe a person who leaks sensitive information, reports wrongdoings, crimes, or morally questionable practices or events that occur within their own workplace. Usually, the reports are regarding people in high positions such as management or particular duties that the person has […]

Working from home renders many commercial buildings empty, but how can they be used otherwise? Consultations on development rights have begun!

Working from home has become a normal part of life due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Some will have taken to it better than others, appreciating the lack of commute or the morning rush. However, for many it is a significant challenge, having much less social interactions, being unable to meet with clients and feeling cooped […]

Gender Pay Gap Statistics for 2020 Revealed! What can we learn?

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has published the latest report on gender pay gap statistics for 2020. There are some positives to take from the report, as it was found that for full-time employees, the pay gap fell 2.4% between April 2019–April 2020, and for all employees, the gap fell by 1.9% within the same […]

Get your property back! What does the new guidance for private landlords say about the possession action process?

Property is a massive part of life. It is where families make homes, people raise children, or it can be simply a sanctuary to come back to after a difficult day. However, another huge aspect of the property world revolves around business, whereby landlords look to make money by allowing tenants to rent out their […]