Landmark Ruling Could Unlock EU Settlement Scheme for Zambrano Carers!

We have said it before, and we will say it again: the deadline for the EU Settlement Scheme is right around the corner on 30 June 2021. This must be a priority for all EU citizens and their family members, as if they do not register or submit their applications in time, they may not […]

EU Settlement Scheme – Coronavirus related absences to be overlooked by Home Office?

The deadline to the EU Settlement Scheme is at the end of this month (30 June 2021), meaning that EU nationals and their family members will have a limited amount of time to apply for visas to either continue to stay in the UK or come into this country, depending on their personal circumstances.  For […]

Denial of homeworking or furlough request from employees due to fears of COVID-19 may not itself amount to unfair dismissal

Coronavirus has been a huge part of our lives for almost one and a half years now and the effects of it have reached far and wide. It has taken many lives, ravaged the economy, put thousands out of work and made people homeless. The nature of the virus makes it unpredictable, as new variants […]

Splitting up the family? The importance of Retained Rights of Residency for family members of EU citizens.

With the deadline to get onto the EU Settlement Scheme rapidly approaching, people all over the UK who have come to know this country as their home will be feeling tense and confused about where they will stand come the 30th of June. While the Home Office often sugar-coats the immigration system as straight forward […]

Coronavirus and UK Immigration: What story do the statistics tell?

On the 27th of May the Home Office released their most up to date quarterly immigration statistics for the year ending 21st of March 2021. These stats include data in which we can see how many people came to the UK during this time period, how many extended their stay, the number of people who […]